Yesterday I thought it was just a one day wonder, but there it was again this morning, in the same giant puddle it was in yesterday. With better light, I was able to get a better shot.

Hawk migration was still relatively light today, although a nice mix of birds was seen, including at least three
Red-shouldered Hawks, all immatures. I put 5 on the count today, but since these birds usually fly up to the tip of the Hook and then turn around, I can't really be sure whether I'm counting the same bird or a new individual every time this happens. This particular bird has some damaged primaries and is thus more easily recognizable. One of the other two had just one broken off primary, while the other's flight feathers were undamaged.
South winds and warmer weather should turn on migration a bit more, especially now that it's April. Today that still wasn't very apparent, although late afternoon had a small influx of Tree Swallows and Glossy Ibis. I did see my first butterflies on Sandy Hook this spring today: a Spring Azure, and a Cabbage White, both around the platform.
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