Today’s south winds brought warm weather to Michigan, with areas hitting 70F here and there. At Whitefish Point, that translates into higher 40s, and a bit more birds around. Cool birds today included three Evening Grosbeaks (a male and two females), a Hoary Redpoll mixed in with thirty or so Commons, and seven Bohemian Waxwings.

Raptor migration was a little better than yesterday, but not epic. Frankly, I had expected a better showing given those warm south winds, but two Northern Goshawks (one immature female and one adult male,
pictured above), a sub-adult Golden Eagle (
pictured below), 13 Bald Eagles, 3 adult male Sharp-shinned Hawks, an adult Red-shouldered Hawk and an adult Red-tailed Hawk (
pictured top) were all for migrating raptors today.
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