I hate to say it, but the previous two sites, Moxviquil and Huitepec, to me didn’t seem like prime wintering habitat for the Golden-cheeked Warbler. Sure, we registered the species at both sites, but only barely. I couldn't help but feel that these sites were chosen by Pronatura more because they happen to be Pronatura reserves than for being representative wintering habitat for Golden-cheeked Warblers.
Today’s site – not a Pronatura reserve – was different. This was classic pine-oak, and it didn’t take us long to find warblers. I was hopeful right from the start, telling Hector “Wow – this is what they [i.e. Golden-cheeked Warblers] like: pines in the tree layer, oaks in the middle layer, half-open situations here and there… perfect! This is where you expect to encounter the species.”
I grew even more hopeful when the flock we found turned out to be huge – in fact the biggest flock I’ve ever described in three years of my participation in this study in Central America.

There was a mini-flock of 15 Bushtits in this flock, and again they went wherever the larger flock went, so to me they seemed totally legit as flock members.

After four hours of studying the flock, having identified 76 individuals belonging to 24 different species as flock members, we still had not found a Golden-cheeked Warbler among them. I just couldn’t believe that, kept saying to Hector “there’s gotta be one in there!”
Then, finally, there it was. Again, an adult male Golden-cheeked Warbler. We both had good looks at the bird, and were able to determine it was unbanded.

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