Yesterday morning, Roselvy and I birded the mouth of the river Jiboa, near the Salvadoran airport of Comalapa. This spot nearly always has a good variety of birds, and in the past has produced regional rarities such as Glaucous-winged Gull and Baird's Sandpiper.

While we didn't find anything too extraordinary, we did encounter a nice mix of species, especially terns and shorebirds. Best bird probably was a Gull-billed Tern in a mixed flock of Royal and Black Terns, which also contained an Elegant Tern. A Black Skimmer was also present, and the first migrating Barn Swallows of the season were seen flying along the beach. In the shorebird department, species noted included Collared, Wilson's, Semi-palmated and Black-bellied Plovers; Willet; Greater Yellowlegs; Sanderling; Western Sandpiper; Ruddy Turnstone; Spotted Sandpiper; Whimbrel.

On the beach, near the little dunes directly adjacent to the river mouth, we found a flock of at least seven
Lesser Nighthawks. These birds were cooperative and proved ideal subjects for trying out my new camera.
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